From the Desk of Principal

From the Desk of Principal

Children are the true wealth of a nation. To bring smile on their innocent faces and to shape them into responsible citizens for the future is the need of the hour.

A nation can fancy its chances of reaching an apex of glory if its children are getting congenial environment to prosper and progress. The teaching fraternity, therefore, shoulders virtually higher responsibility to make them realize their dreams. While we do subscribe to the view that home is the first school i.e. the children get the first lesson of life in the mother slap, the school needs to serve as the second home where the child's all-around development is taken care of. In the present scenario when the society is be set with the menacing problems of corruption, narrow mindedness and other such evils, it becomes all the more imperative that the teachers should rise to the occasion against these odds and guide this young generation in the right direction. It may be demanding assignment, but the nation expects the same, so let's all join hand and come up to the expectations of the society transform this generation into a generation of educated and responsible citizen.

Wish you all a happy learning at HHPS.

With all good wishes & have a great time always!!

Mamta Rani - Principal