Holy Heart Public Senior Secondary School, VPO Chhajli, Tehsil Sunam, Distt. Sangrur (Punjab), was established in 2001 to cater to the educational needs of the children of the adjoining areas. It has now a well designed building with lovely green lawns on more than 1.5 acre campus.
The school has been growing in strength and achievements in all directions of educational endeavour from academics to sports, music and dance to computers. Above all there is a focus on value education and a renewed effort to pursue and enrich our basic moral values and cultural heritage coupled with a sense of social responsibility.
In keeping pace with the technological progress and the advent into the 21st century, the school has introduced Computer Aided Learning to make the teaching and learning process more effective. The school is equipped with computer lab housing 15 computers with multimedia facility including LCD lab. The internet facility has opened up possibilities for an unlimited scope for learning.
Good teaching and good parenting are the two strongest pillars support for a growing child. Teachers and parents attend various workshops to promote a healthy development of the child's personality. The Parent Teachers Association plays a very positive role in the growth of the school.
Holy Heart Educational & Welfare Society (Regd.), VPO Chhajli, Tehsil Sunam, Distt. Sangrur (Punjab), registered on 14th July, 2004 under the Societies Act XXI of 1860 at Malerkotla, Distt. Sangrur (Punjab. The prime objective of the Society is to provide facilities for quality education to the students of adjoining areas by establishing school to offer primary to senior secondary education.
The medium of instruction of this school is English. A special emphasis is laid on spoken English develop a habit of unreflective right utterance among the students. It is achieved by adopting English as the spoken language of the school as well as by providing special syllabus and periods in the daily routine for conversational English. To asses the progress made and the standards achieved, the students are examined biannually.
To augment this, it is insisted that all the teachers are very well versed and proficient in the art of conversation in English Language.
The school is affiliated to the C.B.S.E., New Delhi vide Affiliation No. 1630888 upto 10+2 level in Science, Commerce & Humanities streams.
Preference for admission is given to those students whose names have already been registered. A child can be got registered with the school for admission between March and commencement of academic session of every year. Registration is highly appreciated as it helps the school in planning.
The students are admitted to the school on the basis of admission test to be conducted by the school. The new session begins in April. The qualifying admission test is given according to the mental level of the child. The Date of birth certificate must be attached with the admission form.
In addition to the subjects mentioned above, Physical Education and S.U.P.W. comprising various activities such as Community work, Gardening, Flower Arrangements, Doll making, Singing, Dancing, Computer Science, First aid etc. have been also introduced for the students.
General knowledge and moral education form an integral part of the school curriculum as do regular class subjects. Through general knowledge periods, it is endeavored to acquaint the students with day to day affairs of national and international levels and thereby keep the students abreast with the current problems. Our Students participate in all India general knowledge competitions. In this materialistic world of today, a spiritual void is likely to be created and moral science will make up for this void. The introduction of moral science as a subject become essential to imbibe among the students a sense of self-discipline, dedication, devotion, humility and sacrifice for the well being of the fellow citizens.
School owns land measuring more than 1.5 acres with ultra modern building complete in all respects having -